Chuan Thong Industries Sdn. Bhd. is committed to meet and exceed all government regulatory requirements in our production system. The Company shall ensure compliance with environmental requirements and social obligations to employees and the community in respect to our operations. The company shall be non-discriminatory and maintain compliance to labour regulations regarding employment, remuneration, overtime, leave from work (maternity, sick, annual). Suggestions and complaints from workers will be recorded and acted upon as appropriate.
The company shall not restrict staff from freedom of association and collective bargaining and comply with FSC Core Labour requirements. The organization respects the rights of workers to engage in lawful activities related to forming, joining or assisting a workers’ organization, or to refrain from doing the same, and will not discriminate or punish workers for exercising these rights or developing constitutions for workers organizations.
We recognize our responsibility to our staff, and the wider community including customers and suppliers, to operate in a responsible manner that includes a commitment to FSC policies for production of certified products and ensuring all FSC raw material are sourced from approved suppliers.